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Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebrating summer.

My stove is back and the plan is for it to stay there! This means it's time to start working out again for more energy and general well being. Going to go for it and push my leanness by bulking up, it will take commitment, but I can do it.  Good news is today was day 1 (arms). Bad news is I have lost most of my muscle from about a month and a half ago. Day 1 is always the hardest...(the 2nd hardest is day 2)

Got to be sure not to overload myself with too many projects at once to ensure I actually hold myself  to it. If I had to give a lesson learned for today it is that life is much more interesting and boring things tend to fly by with much more ease when you participate in them. I do not know how this law works. I simply know based off of my experience and that of others that when you join in it is goes much easier than watching others, even more so when you have to pretend to be participating either way.

Besides that as a general notice to my readers, I may become a health blogger for awhile. In case anyone does not know, the main purpose of my blog entries is to become a better writer and thus, a better communicator. If I can stick to a theme, it should be much easier to track as I will have to do more specified research and push through the urge to be unorganized in my thoughts. Of course I'll probably add some of my daily activities and thoughts as well, but a theme may be in order. 

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