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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 8. I missed a day.

I came home last night around 11:15. I went right to bed. The only problem is I didn't set my alarm properly. I overslept last night by four hours. I am not sure how oversleeping plays into my adaption. Thankfully, I still have 6 days to hit it per-fect. I plan to. The night before last something noteworthy did happen.The nights are getting easier, being awake is much less a problem . In reverse the days are getting harder. I also continue to wake early from my naps, before the alarm.

I have always had very good vision. Unfortunately, staring at the computer screen for too many hours a day or the lack of sleep is making me feel as though I am not seeing things as clearly. Only time will tell, but hopefully both these factors level out and my eyes feel better. On another note, I bought a special mouthwash to clean my canker sores (ulcers). Products to handle sores of the mouth are rather expensive $7+, but I can sincerely say the relief may just well be worth it.

I am also realizing and learning new things and getting more familiar with how my body works as a result of sticking to a schedule. Whether this 2 week trial produces favorable results or not, I think it is worth it just for the experience and understanding that comes with it. Unfortunately, due to sleep deprivation, I cannot remember most of the lessons learned off the top of my head. (Pause here* so I and everybody else can snicker at me.) The lessons are still there. Once my drowsiness levels off or enough time has passed I am sure I'll gain even more by examining the experiment as a whole. I can say one A-Ha I had. In an earlier post I talked about taking-a-hint from your body. I now see this a little deeper. Most people go to sleep non-consistently and without attention (beside craving more). Isn't it strange that people literally have everything they need to set up their own experiments and measure results, yet don't? They cannot say they don't have time, the work is done while asleep. Most people feel tired often anyhow, might as well do it for understanding and a future feeling of up and at'em syndrome.  More so, people don't even set it up so they could experiment for themselves. Most do not even keep things semi-consistent (i.e pre-bed rituals, sleeping time, nutrition). Now I understand some are in a war and determined to show sleep that next to none of it will be accepted. For others, it might not be a bed idea to observe. If nothing else it is a fun adventure, this sleep experiment has actually been one of the most interesting things in my life lately, perfect to shake things up.

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