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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello everyone, celebrating day 7

No regrets whatsoever. Great decision. I must confess that from the beginning I have had one inconsistency, I have a high school class called "films through history", so I have been watching 90 minutes or so of movies every other week day. Technically, still not television. I think watching movies in school may not have been a total negative factor,either. It has given me added perspective. It has added to my awareness of how easy it would be to backslide. It was one thing to walk by a t.v at home and be entranced for a few seconds, but today in my English 12 class the movie "Ratatouille" was on, I was also given a simple read-and-answer questions type of paper. The story did seem rather pointless and boring, but still, the movie would grab my attention for minutes at a time and make it a battle to just read the paper. I only read half of the reading (roughly 2 and a half pages out of 4 and a half) and opted to take it home to be sure I could finish it properly.

Besides that, great for getting things done. I am also working to integrate the systems of organizing and productivity taught by the book "Getting things done". This is my second time reading this book, but I have found it is important to really familiarize yourself with a system to the point of being an expert if you want it to stick, It usually is done by reading other similar books but I thought this was just as well. Between these things, I really am seeing my problem was not as much a issue of not enough hours, but more of a issue of is using my time widely and with balance. Balance seems to be a key to capture at the moment in another area of my life as well. Trying to get my sleep back into a normal cycle is showing to be annoying. It is the beginning of allergy season and the weather has been warm to say the least. This adds to my being drowsy.

This makes trying to work out my sleep deficiency and tiredness much more frustrating. I sleep 8, 9,10 hours a night and then feel tired around 11-3, try to take a nap and cannot fall asleep. It is true that some of this may be due to me trying to sleep in places such as my car or office couch, but it just will not do. Today I got home and took a not timed nap and woke up a hour later feeling much better. The question is simple-do I work into my biphasic sleep cycle, or do I keep dealing with being tired after sleeping over 1/3 of my day? After all, at least when I was tired from my polypasic sleep cycle I felt awake and jittery at parts of the day. Biphasic might give me a similar new spin on my feelings toward sleep.

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