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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Okay, it is currently 4 A.M. I can expand on what I was saying earlier now. There seems to be one strange effect occurring with both good and bad consequences. The days are sort of blending together. The good part is that it no longer matters much whether it is a Saturday or a Tuesday-I am up. The odd part is, besides being strange, It messes with my internal clocks. There have been times where I just was not sure most of the day if I was hungry or not. I would eat just because it felt like I should, but I wasn't really sure of the need at the time...It is hard to explain, because It is strange, If it were easy to explain I'd imagine it be casual.

 Also, I feel like I should be doing something. As was written in my previous posts, there is a lot of time (seemly days) spent doing tasks of little overall value. Since day 1 I have felt a sort of "jittery" feeling that made me want to go from one task to the next immediately. When the sun rises I now feel like I am suppose to be doing something. I am lacking clarity in organized thought. Between these two I feel odd, what am I suppose to be doing right now??

Tonight for my core nap (11 to 2) something neat occurred. I woke up before my alarm. This has been happening more lately but I don't really feel use to it yet. I woke up thinking my alarm had already went off and that is why I am awake. This leads to me striving to stay awake and get active. Then, as it turns out, I have ten minutes left until my alarm goes off. I think this is a good sign for adjustment, still do not have my strength unfortunately.

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