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Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello everyone!

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I am pretty tired, but I have been pondering a new thought. It is extremely interesting that there is just about no subject in the world all people agree on. Even some very basic things are up to debate. "Shoes are better than going barefoot." Really? If you asked the world's nomads or tribesman I am sure you could find one who would disagree whole hardheartedly. Maybe he has never enjoyed a fresh sneaker out of the box, maybe it would help him in his daily activities, so how could I fault him for rejecting what is weird and strange to what he has known. So maybe some people feel a certain way because they have not had an experience enabled them to see from a certain viewpoint.  I suppose you might have a good chance claiming that food is good for eating and energy, but anything beyond that and you'll lose your audience quickly.  My two thoughts on this is that this is a major stumbling block on unity, whether that is good or bad, you can determine on your own. My next thought is that even knowing a person is lacking an experience that would make your viewpoint so clear, chances are that they do have the ability to relate within them if it is sought after and activated.

After all, If I could show a tribesman a better way to sharpen a spear or something of that sort, he would begin to see and understand innovation. This could perhaps be nurtured If I then suggested shoes and let him experience it for himself. This is important, because how else could he endorse something I like? I do not hunt deer, I do not live with "his" people. No, everyone is curious if the solution will fit their unique situation, and most viewpoints are wholeheartedly rejected because they
  1. Are contrary to that persons realm of "normal"
Everything forms of this. Make it relate-able. Life is a note and you will usually leave yours feeling like there is more to write, so try to cover what you want covered so people at least know where you were going with it.

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