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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I was going to wait to start my next experiment. I decided there is little point to that. I am deciding to start my first day without television today. Good news is today is almost over, day one complete. A minute after deciding to start the challenge I found a neat website for self challenges- Even better, I registered and now am officially in it for 30 days. I imagine my biggest challenge will be when I am around other people or walking past a Television. I am not really sure how to counter that one. Let's start the official countdown. Day 1- I am a big tired. This makes me want to watch some mind numbing T.V, but I do have things to do so I will persist.

I do have a quota to hit for my word count. So let's ask a good question to expand this blog post. Why try this experiment? I believe there is quite a bit of value in experimenting and pushes edges. T.V is a absolute filler. I will explore the ladder of these two. It may not have many direct negative effects. It doesn't seem to be adding a lot of value.T.V is that it is a habit forming "filler" that actually takes something very valuable from us. People want to live a life worth living. Yet we watch a LOT of television. This seems odd. I do not recall a time when someone cried out on their deathbed "If only I had watched that Sienfeld rerun one more time!". I also doubt Da Vinci or Roosevelt would spend much time on TV. People count they're dollars pretty carefully these days, but we still haven't learned the value of time? If I had all the time that put together represented the rest of your life in my right hand and all the money you would ever make in your life in my left-what would you choose? "Duh David, I would have to choose the time, if I was dead I would have no use for money." Well, even if I tossed you 5 minutes or 5 months (in which you could spend all that money) it might be tempting, but you would still most likely choose the time. The best part? If you chose the time , if you spent more of that time wisely you would have so much more of money, among other things, next time I asked you that question. Something to think about. I just got a good idea. Write it yourself. I am guilty of what is described above as well, but I must admit putting this in my own words does a lot to inspire and remind me of this truth.

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