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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 4

So far so good. Today is my 4th day without television and it's not so bad. I already have read 110 pages today (being it's Saturday). I noticed the T.V tries to draw me back in. Whenever I walk into a room with a television on, I do not pay attention to the first few words spoken to me. I go into a zombie like tranche for about 2-3 seconds. Weird.

To elaborate, I have finished one of my "to finish" books.

I went to the carnival today. I think the scariest thing about riding a carnival ride is that is a carnival ride. Kids love it. I even saw an old "friend". It is interesting how peoples lives turn out and how some people are years later.

I can report of my little sister. The second youngest, Nicole, went with me today to enjoy all that is the carnival. There is a ride called the revolution. The revolution is basically a hamster wheel. They strap you in, and you roll as if you were falling down the stairs in a real hamster ball.My sister got on with me, she decided to get on only because I encouraged her to and was determined to go on with or without her. She got on only trusting my judgement call that we were safe. She started out claiming that she was scared. She told the worker that she was scared. He was very helpful when he joined me in my attempt to provide that sense of courage by telling her "you are brave, I can see it in you". Once again my sister proved the stigma that bravery is not feeling totally ready, but instead, going on with it even when you don't feel totally ready. She loved it.

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