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Friday, April 27, 2012

What day is it?

I am saying this for two reasons. One. I just took count and today is day 16 of no television. Over half way, it has become apparent to me that the most tempting time to watch t.v is when waking up or at times when you really don't want to do much of anything. That alone may suggest it is good to keep away, unless maybe watching to enjoy a show with someone else (which could involve talking and maybe have some value?).

I am also saying this because I was helping my sharecropping friend Greg on the farm today. This is the 2nd time we have pulled weeds (by hand) together to protect the garlic. Very rewarding when you see the before and after of the rows. I took a nice 2 hour nap when I got home. Fun times, I think there are some good lessons to learn from farming, but some fresh vegetables as a pay is nice,too.

One such conversation I had with Greg was about work, and he told me that in time I would learn that most people are actually pretty bad at they're jobs. They just want to get paid. I think he might have a sad point. Unfortunately it's true, even in this economy, somehow service has decreased. That's generally the time to step it up.

Also, I was thinking today how important it is to make significant contributions. Briefly, if you have not contributed to the betterment of your life or someone else's today, your day probably didn't hold much value.
I don't really like the idea of people crying at my funeral. But if I must be missed, the goal is for it to be more than of a position. More than a son-dad-coworker of years, I would want to be missed not because people were accustom to me just because I was a normal part of their life. It would be better if they missed me because I filled true need in their life, I added real value by them knowing and spending time with me. I have a friend who texts a list of his friends on Mondays and Fridays just to wish them a good morning. If he were to disappear tomorrow, Monday morning be sure his contribution would be missed. So maybe it is a good idea to practice contribution in certain ways on a normal basis, I would guess it builds character and great relationships.

It also paves the way to the other kind of contribution-spontaneous. Most people need help somewhere. If you give in a normal way enough they will trust you and soon you will get chances to help in ways before unavailable. Maybe it could even keen your sense of opportunity in this matter and sense and love of people.

As a final note, 
I must add that it is indeed a great blessing to have someone come to you vulnerable sometimes, when they need it most. I had a friend once come to me and say that due to vehicle trouble, he might need some help paying some of his bills this month, would I be willing to help him if all else failed? Wow, how do you think that made me feel? Good, great would even be a appreciate word. Not because of pride really, it was because I was in a divine place. I was in the situation where I could say yes! Of course! Not just because I had some savings, but because I could definitely trust him. He was a honorable man who wouldn't intensely wrong anyone and works hard, and would do the same for me.

So we all need somebody sometimes, and chances are you will be on both ends at some point. From associating with these two men I think I can say that these two go hand in hand.  Being a good helper of people (plus discretion) , you are bound to be easy to help, and if you are easy to help, you probably are a good helper of people.
Wow! These two friends of  mine are definitely going to have some people crying at their funeral.

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