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Monday, April 23, 2012

I so not really care to count the days I currently am in to this 30 day challenge.

 Still do not need television.

Today was a good day. I think some of the best days are the days that act as a launch board for the next day,week, whatever it is. Today was important, I think. Today I heard a story worthy of retelling. It's the true story of a little boy. He was very very awkward. His nick name was "sparky", nicknamed after a horse in a popular comic strip at the time. It's not that the kids didn't like him, no one really had an opinion of him or cared either way to notice him. His dating life was a little less exciting, he never had the courage to ask a single girl out. He accepted all this. There is but one thing he had faith in, he had but one dream. He had the utmost confidence in his drawing ability. Before he graduated, he submitted some of his cartoon drawing to the editors of his school yearbook. He was denied promptly.

Didn't matter, once he graduated, he started immediately. He was a self proclaimed professional already. Then, he worked very very hard and submitted some of his work to Disney.

They said no too. He decided he would draw anyway. He decided to make his autobiography mirroring his awkwardness and life. It has been said that the greatest victories come right after the greatest defeat, you may have heard of this show, Charles M Schulz became the creator of the beloved peanuts. Charlie brown became the little awkward boy the nation loved.

I also attempted to comfort a girl who had just had a big fight with a family member for telling her she needed to quit the drugs, but in the form of "Get your S* together". Maybe not full of finesse, but motive seems good. I was ready. I was chatting with her and all ready to ask questions until she arrived at the answer within herself she needed to hear. Due to a small injury/distraction as I was attending to something else,  I didn't get to finish. I honestly didn't even get to really start. Her beloved family member wished to talk to her so she had to be off whether I was ready or not. I had barely said anything-my questions thus far lead to nowhere yet. Yet, she thanked me. At first I believed it was just her being polite, but no, after pondering it I suppose the words of Dale Carnegie will ring true for people as long as people remain. Often we don't really want another perspective or answer, we just want to share our feelings and see that other people care enough to listen...I suppose if I wish to truly help people and show love, I need to make that distinction much more often. Lessons like these repeat themselves until learned.

Finally I got a D on my report card. I had a great talk with my cousin who is full of wisdom I love to listen to. The main reminder/takeaway is that you define yourself minute-by-minute. You must diversify yourself if you wish to be certain of any thing. If you improve just 1 percent a day, what else could anyone ask of you if that is your best? Delay, wait if will, but it is coming. Be prepared if you wish to be certain.

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