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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 2 of no T.V

Easy. It's really easy. I bought 3 more books and the weekend begins at 10:50 tomorrow. That will be the test. I need to tackle this book collection, and I will get out and see a friend or two as well. As long as there is no television.

“Tomorrow I plan to work, work, from early until late. In fact I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
- Martin Luther

What a profound statement. The first step is knowing what I must do first. I plan to reread Getting things done by David Allen and getting my "ducks" in a line. What else can I write about?

I think self expression is very important. We all have a blessed and incredible ability to create. The problem is, if you are anything like me-it seems the idea got into your head that creating is hard work. I will plan to stop subscribing to that philosophy. I believe it is hard focus. There is a difference between a labor of quiet submission and a labor of expression. The interesting part is that the first is done more and has some reward, yet the second can have endless benefits yet is under practiced. It is my firm conviction that many people procrastinate and use fillers like the t.v to just get to the next day or activity. You can see more evidence of this in my previous post. I believe life shouldn't be boring. Everyone should have a way to creatively express themselves. What a different world that would make. This is not the case, someone accidentally "sells" us the idea that the benefits are minimal and we'll just be adding more to our work load.

The worst part is, we bought it! We bought into this idea! Maybe the upgraded package will be for us to just refuse to get up from the couch altogether when we aren't working. Without this second type of labor, we march ever closer to simply being black and white factory workers sucked dry and only useful for the harvesting of said labor. Some jobs are great, obviously some get to enjoy combining this two type of labor, and what a great blessing that is to arrive at. Perhaps life would be more interesting and rewarding if we worked at expressing ourselves until we hit the point of complete expression (debatable whether that's possible) or can regularly release our "fruits" into the world in a productive way that accompanies satisfaction. If women are in pain before the child or born, and the athlete must sweat and ache some before getting stronger, imagine what could result if we exercised our minds and brain as a muscle worthy of growing.

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