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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Insanity! The workout

Last week was the end of week 4 for the 1st class program in "You are your own gym". I do not wish to share the numbers or too much of my experience yet. I will say there have been some positive results.

Today I want to to do two things. The first is to update on my stepdad's P90X and the second is to talk briefly about the workout program Insanity.

Unfortunately P90X seems to be a fall off and get back on sort of thing. Miss a few days, then hit a week straight. Little else needs to be said. I will give some praise to the fact that through P90X, my stepdad has slimmed down some. The flip side is I am concerned how permanent it will be. Only time will tell and I hope for the best.

As far as Insanity goes, I've heard good things. It, like "You are your own gym", is a body weight program. It runs a 150 tag and is not for the faint of heart. It is suppose to be for those already in good shape, with experience on a program. I know of two men I could say are very fit who claim it is awesome. One of these men told me it was going fine, then when he bent over for a stretch or certain part of the workout, sweat rained down. I actually read one reviewer suggest keeping a mop or something handy. I'm sure a towel would do it, but when you actually need to wipe the floor to workout you have my attention. This one has only a 60 day challenge period but is said to get you very ripped. 30 day money back guarantee, which is always nice. This one has a specified nutrition plan of what to eat on certain days of the program...which I don't like as much. At a certain point these programs must get elite in nutrition to guarantee success though, so I understand. Really depends what kind of stuff they make people eat, if it's like a certain other program which cuts carbs for the first month, leaving you feeling very non-energized and tired. I'd be a little hesitant.

After I graduate from the master class of Mark Lauren's program, I might give this one a try.

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