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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ab myth 2# I need to work my:upper, lower, mid abs

This may surprise you, but were going to drive onto anatomy. There really is one. Your Rectus Abdominals IS your 6 pack muscles.  There are also internal and external obliques that should be strengthened to add show to your 6 pack, but really that's it.  So if you find yourself wishing the lower or upper part of your abs looked as good as the rest, it's not that the muscles are weaker. IT is still a good idea to have a mix of ab excises for best results, and to keep you from dying of boredom with crunches or leg lifts. If you want your lower abs to look better, you may have to strengthen your Rectus Abdominals all together, but more than likely you have more fatty tissue in that area which is causing this. Attention to diet and physical exercise, again, is important here. Woo, who knew a 6 pack was such a commitment?

A good rule is to just work as a whole. Sorry if this is bad news to anyone, but your body grows best as a whole.  Sometimes the best way to push, say, your triceps and arm muscles to the next level is to work on your legs or some other area that is underloved.  Same idea with abs, even more so because the abs are not their own section, they are apart of the core.  Without doing a full break-down, your core is essentially your abs, obliques and lower back. 

If I were to start building a brick house, and insisted on building a single wall that was 40 foot high, what would you say? Noooo David, build some of the other walls to keep it stable. The core can be viewed similarly. If you have seen someone with nice toned abs, chances are good they also have a well toned (lower) back.  Work your core as a unit if you want lasting results.

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