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Monday, May 14, 2012

Brief look into supplements for bodybuilding.

Some people may not know this, what supplements are a high grossing market. What most of them do is find ripped guys and pay them to flex and stand by they're product. "Buy this powder and take it just 4 times a day and build lean muscle fast!" Hmm. I wish to warn people here. Especially my fellow skinny guys who are tempted to believing that after all those hard nights in the gym the only thing missing was powder or tablet X.

Are all supplements bad?
Not at all. I have a friend who is a assistant instructor at a BJJ school, tries to eat mostly organic, and not too long ago took several multivitamins to ensure prime health. He is taking a certain brand of supplement because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals, about as much as all his vitamins. Good for him. The point here is that some supplements have good stuff in them, but they supplement things like vitamin__ not transforms people overnight from urkel to some body building werewolf. They can never supplement proper nutrition or hard work. Know why you are taking it if you are taking one.

There are a few basics (always are) that may help you build and achieve prime health. I will quote Mr. Vince Delmonte dubbed "the skinny guy savior" for this one. If there are any things you really want to get in there, Vince says they're,"a high quality multi-vitamin, fish oil capsules, powdered creatine and a protein powder. These products will cover your nutritional basis for health, healthy body composition, strength and muscle mass."

 Honestly you may not even need all that, things like Creatine, according to one study, have greater effects on some rather than others. Still Creatine is good in the right portions and naturally found in the body, some studies even suggest it is good for your bones and heart.

The point is to start a program or plan, and stick to it. Work on nutrition, get some sleep. Tweak some throughout, just keep going and don't look for the way out on week 2.5.

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