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Thursday, May 10, 2012

The magic of 90 days.

A few quick notes: In addition to my last post, my stepdad (P90X user), told me that the nutrition is broke into 3 parts and the first part is called "fat shredder". In fat shedder, you basically get so little carbs that you feel low on energy and hitting those workouts is all the more difficult (my slightly biased opinion). Unfortunately, I think I am right. He is already planning his cheat meals for next month. "Hitting a perfect 90 days would be great", he says, but if I can get to 30 I think my body will be okay.  Important to note I am not judging him for this, I may just be tempted the same way if I was on as strict a diet as he is.

Now, on to the meat (post).

Last night, as I was preparing to do a dead lift, something motivating dawned on me. I thought about some of the "heavies" I have seen in my school. I realized that most of them jsut worked out casually. They just did it now and then to mostly maintain, they probably didn't worry too much about proteins and calories. They also probably have slowed down their "work" load in the gym, considering as I said, I feel most just enjoy being big and having it since most have been that way for most their lives. Anyway, that is not what excites me. What excites me is that in 90 days-provided I get the calories and work,work,work, skinny 124 pound David can be on they're level...

My arms and body may take more or less than 90 days to match their pure size, but If I push myself I can catch up pretty fast in strength in 90 days. Imagine what I could do in 4 months, or 6 months. Good motivation for
  1. me, to press on
  2. People who are seen as strong to keep at it if they really want to hold their crown
The second one may be a little facetious, I admit. The reason? They will still look great having muscles even if they only hit 20 or 30 or 40 percent of their potential, some people will give them the recognition and not enough skinny guys like me are going to make the jump.  90 days is one whole workout program, general research suggests about 21 days to make something a habit. The magic is there, it's incredible, but most seem to put it off and wait until a new year's resolution wish list to think about it again.

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