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Monday, May 21, 2012

Ab myth #1 (agian)

As a note, be careful if you ever run a blog on blogger. There is no trash bin, if you accidentally delete a post, it's gone.

I am going to try to recreate my myth 1# posting, so here we go.

What hip-hop abs probably won't tell you.

Okay. So here is the deal. If you stay up late enough you will see a few commercials from programs like HHA and other things like that belt that vibrates and "shocks" your abs strong. I have not personally used any of these programs so I can not attest to them working or failing. My point here is to expose a pretty big misconception "ab breakthrough" programs tend to take advantage of. 

If you are in a rush, here it is: you can have very strong abs yet be a overweight man with a "beer belly". Now for those who wish to understand this, please read on. Six packs are look cool. Brad pitt has one. You want one. Yet, even if you are doing a 1000 crunches a day you may not get one. This is because most people simply do not understand that having strong ab muscles does not just destroy all the fat in the tummy area. This fat is not magically converted to muscle either. The closest thing that happens is that this fat can be burned off an give nutrients to the body that may help build ab muscles. Since burning excess fat is a pain, really it's best to start off pretty skinny, otherwise you need to rid yourself of that covering if you ever want to really see your abs. You probably won't be able to "burn off fat like crazy" while building abs alone-in 90 days. 

So basically be realistic with yourself,  if you have a real gut, don't aim for a six pack in 90 days. Luckily, there are some things you can work on much more easily while slimming down: legs, arms, shoulders, most things that aren't abs. Do some abs to keep them strong, but don't let that be your focus and whole plan to be skinny/slim. Just start, the real calorie burning strength training of tomorrow can lead to the six pack of tomorrow.

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