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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Choose leanness.

Today I was talking to my friend Greg. He discovered that I have been bodybuilding and strength training lately. He even saw my collage of some pictures of myself without a shirt and some former skinny guys who shared their stories on the internet and I happened to read. He gave me a warning that I have thought about and will write about now. Greg told me that it will be hard to expand until I get older and/or my matablism slows down. He went onto say that it is true that with enough calories I could gain, but he knew some people who did that in college and as soon as they stopped lifted they turned fat. Finally he said, "just get ripped".

Did you see what happened there?
I thought it over and think this is important. Many people who transform they're body eat a lot. Big help when you are trying to pack on pounds, especially when you're an ectomorph. What I am trying to point out is that weight really has little indication into how fit or well off you are. If you are eating 4000 calories a day, and getting 100+ grams of protein, you're likely to gain weight. The point to ponder is that how much of those calories really become lean muscle? If someone is depending mainly on the food to pack on pounds and not really burning the majority of it (not enough working out to the high calorie ratio), you're also gonna get some fat.

And Fat begets more ____. Fat.
That is why I believe most those men gained more fat as soon as they stopped working out. It was like stop taking the medication and the virus spreads. It is important to have some fat, and some may be gained (temporarily or long term), but body comp is important, know how you really get those pounds. On the flip side, with lean meats and foods in controlled portions and working out hard in the gym may take longer generally, but it should be all lean muscle. This decreases the risk of gaining to much fatty tissue. The lean muscular type is more loved and convenient to maintain anyway. So don't worry so much about going from 120's to 160's as much just maximizing muscle while taking on a little fat as needed.

If you are strong as an ox and keep pushing yourself, even if you were just 140, it will show in time.

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