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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Good evening to all!

For anyone who has read through an earlier post or two of mine,  you may remember be mentioning the book "Moon-walking with Einstein" by Josh Foer. For the record it is thus far one of my favorite books on the mind/memory and the (brief) study of people. It actually covered what I was suspicious of in my last post- the part of working out (otherwise said: being strong) and then leveling out out of comfort and basically stopping progress. Basically there are 3 stages
  1. Cognitive- intellectualizing the task and figuring strategies for the task
  2. associative- less concentration needed, more efficient, less mistakes
  3. autonomous-basically not paying attention and on autopilot
That's the usual order of things. Josh goes on to say that what makes experts, experts, is that they do all they can to stay focused with goals, technique and feedback . They stay away from the autopilot stage where progression stops, so they keep growing. I just wanted to briefly share that.

This brings me to my next suspicion that seems to be becoming a reliety. I talked to my stepdad today and he was in the kitchen while the P90X (yoga day) dvd was playing. Uh-Oh. I asked him shouldn't he be working out and he said, "yeah...but I already have been at it for half an hour and last night I worked out...went to bed tomorrow..."  Yeah.

Let it be said that I , David Coeyman, do sometimes wish to be wrong. Mostly in cases like this on people and where their behavior is leading them. This seems like a simple night off kind of deal, but that's how they tend to start. I should know, the words "good enough" have plagued my vocabulary and in some obvious ways, my life. Hopefully he raises his standards before it's too late, but cutting it short in week 1 defiantly is a sign of concern.

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