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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Your body type, and why it matters.

There are three simple body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph. Want to change your body composition? A small amount of research into the body type God gave you can really help. After all, this usually effects diet needs, as well as certain parts of fitness that may need special attention.

First there is an Ectomorph. Some of my more faithful readers may remember me referring to myself as an Ecto in previous posts. Ectos are thin. An ecto tends to have a flat chest, slim shoulders, slim overall appearance. These are known as the "classic hard weight gainers". Very lean muscle and more likely to have long stringy limbs. Very fast metabolism. Ectos tend to have a young appearance as well. Maybe that's why I look 15 or 16 even now as a legal adult.

Mesomorphs are the natural Spartans. They can lose or gain weight easy. Strong, they tend to just look muscular and defined even with lower maintenance. Mesomorphs tend to have more energy as well.

Endomorphs are the big boys. Endomorphs are round and soft. Trouble losing weight. Gains muscle and fat very easily, sometimes short and stocky. Endomorphs tend to have seriously powerful legs, which helps mightily for exercises like squats.

You should have a good idea of what your body type is. If you need a simple test, try wraping your middle finger and thumb over the wrist of your other hand. Can they touch? If so, can they overlap? This should give you a baseline. Good news fellow ectomorphs ,and endomorphs.  Any one can change their physic drastically quite long term, and even better, most people aren't just one. That's right, most of us have some mesomorph in us. If you are a mesomorph, you probably have some endomorph in you, but in some cases you may have some ecomorph. So depending how much of a blend you are, will play a role into your diet and exercise needs. For example, I may be less of an ectomorph than I thought, or more unhealthy than I thought. I have been working out and actually eating (I was on the malnutritioned side) for about a month and a half now, and have put on about ten pounds.

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