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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Two extremes of eating

This post may hit home for a few of you.There are two types of eating we will be discussing today. Personally, I have struggled with the second type.. Still do from time to time..

The first is eating too much. Calories are energy. Michael Phelps and many athletes eat 9000 or 10000 calories a day. They don't have to worry about being fat. Why? That is just the way they need to eat to do what they do. The key is to be training hard enough. If you are not eating more calories than you are burning, you tend to get fat. Ever see or hear of someone who is always packing down meats and protein poweders then complains they made him fat? If he gave his body enough reason to use all he was putting in, there is a high chance even a bad protein poweder could do little damage.

The second, which I struggle with, is training hard but under-eating. Without the nutrients (calories) in your system readily your body won't get 100 percent from your workout. Many guys fall in this category as well, and even more women. Ironically, if some girls eat more after a killer workout they could build more muscle which would eat more fat away leaving them skinnier and more toned. If you have stopped growing, you either need to eat more or workout with more burning intensity. This is especially important for ectomorphs like me. The first month when I packed on about 10 pounds, I had to eat until I didn't enjoy it at all. It was a chore. Yet, I gained an inch on my:chest, arms, waist, and calves.  

How well are your eating and working out habits working out together?

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