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Monday, June 4, 2012

A case for stretching

If we're honest, most of us believe already that it is a good idea to stretch. Why? If you are like me, you have probably heard it since you took gym in 5th grade. The reason I am writing today, is to expand some of the views on stretching. It's for more than just preventing injury.

Stretching is great, because like a good dead-lift, it does not take a lot of time, yet, it has benefits just about everything. Just yesterday I was with my friend Grant and he had me stretching for maybe 5 minutes and my muscles were burning like I was working them out. That is my type of warm up.

Let's dive into it. Why stretch at all?

  • It does prevent injury, largely due to increased flexibility and coordination.. It also can aid in a speedy recovery due to:
  • increased blood flow to and from muscles. This brings those nutrients
  • Makes one feel more fit and in possession of greater well being. This is in part because:
  • Stretching tends to reduce stress
  •  Stretching can give your muscles enough of a second wind for to do even more reps
I admit, sometimes I skip over the stretching for a workout. Still, with all these benefits maybe I shouldn't, especially for those H.I.T workouts I wrote about in my last post. There have been quite a few times where I felt I was at the end of my body's ability, just to be saved and move some lactic acid around to make for a sweet finish and a job well done. 

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