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Friday, June 22, 2012

Packing on calories day

This is a follow up to yesterday's post. I have realized that I have fallen back into my light eater diet. I may not be malnourished as I was before, but I am not getting enough calories to be significantly growing muscle as I want to. I realize that this post is targeted to only a small percentage, but if you are not in the weight loss category, chances are you may be able to benefit from this in some way or another. Yet,to be honest, even if you are trying to lose weight, there is good reason to know what the healthy and high calorie foods are.

As a quick thought, I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and he was talking about how his friend needed to slow down his metablism. Please no one make this thier goal, ever. Fast metablism is often a very good thing, it can be as difficult to slow down as it is to speed up. It's far better to learn to use the benefits of something and to find a good balance considering both will have some obstacles attached.

Okay, so today I eat at Bob Evan's with some friends. For 6 bucks and some change I got a chicken noodle dish with mashed potatoes a biscuit and some veggies. Not bad, lots of calories for the price. This also seemed to be somewhat nutritous. Sometimes you can find good deals at places like this. Yet, looks can be deseaveing. So now we will discuss what you can eat instead of continuuously risking it at fast food places or when you do your grocery shopping.

Everyone likes a good list, so here are some high calorie foods that will help you add (bulk up) without putting you in an early grave.

  • Peanut butter- Peanut butter is great, mixes well in protein drinks, and sandwiches.
  • Nuts-very similar to peanut butter, nuts have many good  vitamins, minerals, and heart healthy fats and fiber. Nuts are reletvely inexpensive and a good snack.
  • vegetable oil- sprinkle this is over your salad and pasta, can easily add 100 calories to a meal.
  • Fruit juices-try to avoid the high sugar, all processed type. Fresh juice such as orange or cranberry juice is an easy way to pack on calories.
  • Yogurt and eggs-protein and calories. Eggs have some HDL cholesterol as well.
  • Breakfast cereal-As stated with fruit juices, avoid the sugary high processed stuff. 
  • Avocado and potatoes also are good for calories and flavor.
  • Milk- Moderation is important with this one. Drinking milk daily is good, but do not look to this as your main source of calories. 
  • B.A.N.A.N.A.S-Hope someone got the song reference, anyhow, quick 100 calorie snack and considered in America very affordable.
  • Beans- cheap, easy to make in variation, healthy. 
Eating a high calorie meal does not need to kill you. I have a friend who is a vegetarian who claims he is on a 4000 calorie a day diet . He looks it, he has some muscle. True he may not be the healthiest, but if he can consistently hit that mark with eggs and peanut butter sandwiches than why can't any of us? Armed with this quick cheat sheet of healthy foods, go forth and eat well and glorify God with those awesome bodies he gave you that you chiseled out!

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