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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Men of achivement workout

To be honest, the title does a fair job of explaining the point of this post. If you wish to see some of the support for this, or get a better understanding of why this may be, read on and you will get that,too.

Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite president. Did you know when Theo was a boy he was very ill and could not keep up with the other little boys in almost all areas of physical activity? He was mainly bedridden. Indeed, his dad told him once that he had the mind, but not the body, and without the body he would not go as far as he could. Roosevelt was later known for his quite notable pec muscles and was known to workout and do physical exercise at any chance. Question. Have you ever looked down the Forbes list of the most wealthy people alive today? If not, feel free to look it over. It is very interesting. The reason I bring this up, is because even though it does not list whether or not they workout, they all have pictures. How many overweight much-billionaires or multimillionaires do you see?

 I'll wait...

 I skimmed, but haven't saw one. Even if they don't all workout, this seems to suggest a habit of high effective people is to take care of their body. Even if it is mainly they're nutrition, I would imagine most of them have an active lifestyle. This habit is true from others observation as well, in the bestseller by Stephen Covey, "7 habits of highly effective people", habit 7 is to "sharpen the saw". This means keeping your body and mind sharp.

It is more than just observation by a few. I'll show you a study, tell you my opinion briefly, and let you decide for yourself. In a sports and exercise study they looked at a diverse amount of people and their lifestyle. I am not sure If I would say that all college graduates (even the higher levels-like PHD) are successful, but I could agree they tend, on average, to be more so than the average person. If you scroll through the study you will see a section broken down by degree/formal education. The higher the education, the higher the chance is they do regular physical activity. 

What is happening here seems pretty simple, but it is sort of a chicken-or-the-egg situation. I am not sure whether successful people want the best from themselves, so they exercises, or if exercising makes a person just want to be more successful at whatever they're doing. I do know that it is well proven that working out gives a person more energy (to say the least). Whether the energy can motivate or the mindset comes first and seeks the energy is debatable. Still, if winners workout, do you think you should?

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