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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to bring it when you don't feel like it

No matter who you are, or what your exercise regiment is, or your goals are, there are bound to be days when you just do not feel up to it. Yet, you have to. Missing one workout is the easiest way to miss two, plus results hinge on consistency. So you have to get yourself to do it. How?

Well hopefully today's posts can give you a few jump-start ideas, but different things work better for different people. I wish there was a one size fits all, but you simply have to be willing to do what it takes to keep yourself in the groove. First though, let me say that drop off points are normal. No matter how cool your program is, at a certain point you will probably get a little bored. So one solution may be, if you tend to get bored around week 4 or 6 for a program, prepare something special to mix it up and keep you working that week. Be creative. Now here are 5 ideas:

  1. Dress to impress. One quick way to give yourself some extra motivation is to dress as what you want to be. If you want to be a body builder today, dress like you thing one would dress. If you want to be a house mom, dress as such. Change, then look in the mirror, it  helps. 
  2. Similar to the dressing idea, visualize. What you perceive yourself to be will determine how you act. See yourself really pumping it or already with the massive power and muscles. 
  3. Get up early. Even if you don't consider yourself a morning person, this is a great way to start the day. Gives you more lasting energy and a better feeling than coffee, plus you are already checking things off your to do list, you winner. 
    3.5 Plan. This goes well with 3, but don't say I'll do it later. When is later? I'll do it at 8A.M or right after breakfast has more power.
     4. Stretch. Get that blood flowing.
5. Set up the reward. Sometimes I'll make my protein shake early and leave it on the counter. I know it will be a little less delicious warm, plus I don't get the feeling of accomplishment if I drank it until I felt like my body needs it.

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