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Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is day 4. (2 and a half mistakes)

I feel like I have a decent bit to say and to describe for the sleep cycle. I am a little unorganized in my thinking right now, so bear me and I'll try to give an accurate account. Before I get into that. Thursday night for my 11 P.M to 2 A.m core sleep I changed my alarm tone before bed. The new tone only went off like once and gave up. Almost needless to say, this was not sufficient and I overslept by two hours. The worst part was the guilt and discouragement. When you start getting sleep deprived small things can seem more dramatic, so waking up feeling like I screwed up after 2 or 3 days out of two weeks was disheartening. It was tempting to go back to sleep and say, "forget it for tonight". I am very pleased to say this is not the approach I took. I decided to stay up the two and a half hours until my next nap, alone and feeling worn and shamed. Even if i had to go to three weeks instead of two, I said I would do it.

I must comment that the morning hours are by far the worst during adaption. Up until about 8 or A.M (which is after my first nap of the day) I feel tired and question if it is worth it. The interesting part that I have experienced is it is not the overwhelmed feeling of sleep deprivation that makes me question the worth, it is the quality of the activities I get to do while awake. This sleep adaption is rough because if you are attempting it, it is most likely in some part because you want more productive time. Adaption kills productive activity. I wanted to work out and read. I am not strong enough like this to get in a good work out, and reading is hard to focus on without getting more drowsy. Time slows down in ridiculous proportions at these times, making it harder to just push for long. This leads to what seems like whole days spent watching T.V, playing a video game, or doing a puzzle. Yes my biggest competitors in this are
  • Boredom
  •   Drowsy feeling in the morning
Thank God I got out of my room last night. My stepdad had been on the couch the last few nights and my room is not very spacious. This makes my bed the prime location to sit other than my desk chair. It also gets chilly. I am very thankful I got away from that last night and got to hang out in the living room.

My half mistake I think was minor and balanced by my first mistake. I skipped my nap purposely to go help my friend Greg pull weeds on a farm. It was good fun, so I can not really call it a mistake. I just continued on like I had missed no nap and hit my 6 P.M nap on schedule as recommended on

My second actual mistake was this morning, I overslept my 6:30 A.M nap by about 15 minutes. I had my alarm next to me today, which I normally do not do, so I think I turned it off while half asleep. This does matter, If I woke out of deep sleep I would feel groggy and the day's difficulty would be amplified. 
I realized around then some great signs.

  1. I didn't oversleep by much (2 hours) for that first mistake, my body may be on it's way to "use" to this
  2. I only overslept my nap by 15 minutes without alarm. 
  3. Based off a interesting and  accurate video of a guy who attempted the "Uberman", one sign polyphasic adaption is going good is increased dreaming during naps. I have had a few dreams in my  naps.
This is probably a bit earlier than expected, but I am okay with that. To wrap up I think I found an answer to one of my concerns.  I was concerned that I was not getting enough deep sleep in my core nap or naps. I wanted my body to be healthy not just me mentally feeling healthy. What I mean to say is that once I can, I wanna work out. Deep sleep is what takes care of repairing muscles mainly. I read that the body prefers deep sleep over REM. This is significant because the body is a okay converter of things. It seems that the body can take from REM sleep to get repairs and such for deep sleep. I am hoping this means once my body gets ore suited I can get more REM and it will heal and give me my energy and strength in addition to enough REM for my mind. 

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