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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day (morning?) 2

What a interesting day. Today is my second day and I am getting a bit sleepy. This is a strange place because my body and mind are at different places. Physically I have had energy today, mentally I can think with clarity still. I also feel as though in time I may be tired enough to start zoning out in a daydreaming/unconscious state for a few seconds at a time. Only time will tell, just have to work to help my body adjust. I worked out Tuesday before beginning The Everyman. Since muscle repair and growth mainly happen during deep sleep, which happens mostly in the first 4 hours of elapsed sleep, I was not sure what to expect. I also decided to fast for my first day and ate very little (pressure from my mom wouldn't let me finish). I did not feel quite repaired and I was a bit concerned. I wasn't sure whether the lack of the hour of deep sleep was playing into this since I sleep 3 hours for my core nap. I got enough nutrients the day before that I thought that would be handled. It is possible that at the lack of nutrients the following day amplified this issue as well. I ate this morning (a few hours ago) and I do feel some difference and some energy so as my body adjusts If I keep working out I will have to pay attention to this.

On the other hand, I am starting to see think this may actually work. Under enough stress or pressure it is amazing the adaptions and changes the body can make in such a short amount of time. Just think, once I get tired enough for long enough-while sticking on schedule-I will be able to feel well rested! It is a sort of "To find yourself, you have to get lost" sort of experience. I already am pondering how or If I will change this schedule when I hit my 2 week mark. I think more observation of sleeps effect on my muscles is in order. Also no rush, I just have to keep up my resolve to finish and focus on that. I must finish what I started.

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