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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sleep-who needs it?

My first official blog post-one which I'm excited about, will be about sleep. As of lately I (with a gentle nudge here and there from others) have found the resolve to set myself after the popular goal of taking better of myself. I have already took a step and a half towards eating better, as well as gaining a new enjoyment for working out. My main motivation for doing these things is to plainly feel awesome. I have felt awful enough of my life, and have been sick enough to raise concern from those around me.

The third piece of this puzzle of feeling as good as I can seems to be proper sleeping. Sleeping is an interesting subject. I have been on top of this a handful of times to know what it feels like, but more often than not, I have been under it's pressure to gain more of it. It is much like an experience I had about 2 years ago with a educator at my high school. I had been dating a girl who for some ungodly reason felt the need to call me no earlier than 11 or 12+ at night. Of course, I would later learn that was being an idiot for allowing this to happen. Either way, when she would call I just did not have the moxie to say no and mean it, so I would answer the phone regretfully (to "just" say goodnight) and pay the price later. This became a regular habit for a quarter or two of high school. One day, my history schoolteacher Mr. Everett noticed me on a day where I was just awake enough to answer a question or two and show a measurable difference. He talked to me after class, he opened with the phrase "I guess I owe you an apology". "I forgive you, but what for?" I said, "I misjudged you, I thought you were much like a young man I once taught named Mike", he continued " He wasn't very smart and stayed up all night doing drugs and skateboarding." I don't really remember what I said, but maybe the lack of sleep was getting to be again, because I was not really all that surprised or offended. I may not have been on drugs, but I sure felt like it.

I was not surprised to later learn that a big enough sleep deficiency can be worse than being drunk, performance wise.

 I do not think I have been that tired and self neglecting since then. I have not been doing as good as I can with this vital part of life as I feel I could nonetheless. 
 I am here today to post about some of the interesting findings and my brief thoughts on sleep thanks to the world wide web. It is a bit humorous to me that each article seems to begin by saying why sleep is important. It is interesting and good to know, but I think we get the idea. Research papers most likely feel the need to mention that as well, but there will be less of that in this post. Sleep is important. 

Now that we have that covered let me add to that, sleep is important, if you want to feel awesome.
I'll continue tomorrow. Sleep is free, grab some.  

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